Gerrard Shaw

Gerrard Shaw


Josh's MG Metro 1300

Heres Josh's MG Metro 1300 in a stunning black finish! It is his third Metro to date.

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Welcome to Metropower

The home of a friendly group of enthusiasts for all variants of the Metro from 1980-1997, including the Group B 6R4 rally legend. From a timewarp A series City, a 1.8 VVC or Turbo converted GTi we welcome everyone to join our community.

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What to expect from a K-Series remap with Kmaps

Kmaps is a great new partnership combining a legendary K series ecu remap specialist with first class workshop expertise. The core aim of the service is to offer noticeable improvements by optimising your ecu settings.

Nathan's Henley Blue 1.8 Turbo

Nathan's GTa started out as a 1.4 carb GTa and has had a full nut and bolt restoration to GTi spec. It really is one of the Metropower greats! 

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