Kyle's Wedding Day Metro

A four-year restoration project with a race against time to be ready for the big day, Kyle's Metro took pride of place at his recent wedding!

K14 RVR was purchased in 2016 October from an old chap for £500, an absolute steal! Originally it was an R100 GTa but had been facelifted down to Mk3 style. Kyle's aim was to keep the car as original looking as possible.

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Unfortunately, the first ZR engine that was fitted didn't pass a compression test and it was down on cylinder 2. Kyle swapped the block with a spare engine and also fitted the 135 cams at the same time. The bodywork required lots of welding repairs and the car benefitted from almost a full respray, with only the roof and tailgate not needing work.

After a long 4 years of prep Kyle and Morgan were beyond happy the car made it for the big day and eternally grateful for all the help in getting the car up and running over the past few years.

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  • ZR 105 1.4 with 135 cams remapped by Kmaps. 
  • Piper cat-back exhaust system
  • MGF front brakes
  • rods cut and individual hydrolastic valves fitted
  • planning on fitting reconditioned hydro units in the new year
  • GTa alloys fitted in gunmetal grey.
  • had a LOT of welding to the floor wells, along the floor, sills, boot floor, rear panel
  • inner and outer arch replacement
  • full respray apart from the roof and tailgate

The MP admin team have seen Kyle's car along the journey at shows and events over the past few years, it's great to see a project come together like this.

Congratulations from all at Metropower to the happy couple!

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Last modified on Friday, 18 March 2022 21:06
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