Cam pulley

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Cam pulley

Post by Wibblyp »

Morning all,

Recently did the head gasket and all was fine. After a few weeks, what sounded like a bearing grinding noise started. This got progressively worse and the engine began stalling at low revs. Whipped the cam ladder off, pulleys and belt.
On the exhaust cam pulley, the key way for the roll pin had been enlarged by repeated movement back and forth by around 6mm. The cam pulley washer had also been worn down on one side. The roll pin does not look distorted.
What could have caused this ?
Is it likely that I didn’t tighten the bolt correctly ?
Could there have been pre existing enlargement of the key way that I failed to notice ?
I am a little reluctant to reassemble it until a reasonable theory is arrived at.

All the best

Dave VVC
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Re: Cam pulley

Post by Dave VVC »

It sounds like you didn't tighten the bolt correctly, I'm guessing
the grinding noise was the cam pulley tilting out and contacting
cam belt cover, go out a buy a lottery ticket, because you were
soooo close to bending the valves, as that pulley was about to
come off.
You need another cam pulley and roll-pin because the problem
you have, even if you re-fit the pulley, is that the cam timing will
be out with all the slack back and forth.
Iirc the pulley bolt torque is 61-68Nm, that's the one with the
17mm hex head on it (10mm thread).
Don't use the cam belt as the steady when torqueing bolt(s)
use the pulley wedge, or a spanner on the camshaft where there
is a couple of flats cast on the cam,
I don't know what the pulley bolt torque is for the early K cam bolts
with the 8mm thread, (not many of them about).
Posts: 95
Joined: Wed Mar 15, 2017 4:41 pm

Re: Cam pulley

Post by Wibblyp »

Hi Dave,

Yes I tend to agree with you as I can think of no other scenario in which it plays out.
The pulley bolt was fully tight on removal which is why I thought that wasn’t the cause.
Just put it back together again I guess and extra check this time.


Posts: 95
Joined: Wed Mar 15, 2017 4:41 pm

Re: Cam pulley

Post by Wibblyp »

Got to the bottom of it. The new roll pin was a 20mm, hence washer and bolt not clamping onto the pulley. The wear on the key way equates to one and a half teeth on the pulley.

What I’d like to know now is how a 20mm roll pin got in amongst a bag of 25 19mm pins.

Did buy a lottery ticket, did not get a win.

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