Thought I would start a project for my cabby because I've started doing some bits to it now. I bought it last winter and drove it for a few months and then put it away. Now that the weather is nicer I'm back in it! It just passed it's MOT (cheers MiniJosh92).
All I've done is tidy it up with some detailing and put the Minilites on it.
Few things to sort! I gave it a full service of everything before I put it away.
Central locking doesn't work
Suspension needs individualising and the rods cut down
Airbag wheel (I have the stalks for this just need to buy a wheel!)
Paint a part on the passenger sill which has just been welded and is currently in red oxide.
New roof! Mohair black comes in at just shy of £500.
Fit front and rear anti roll bars. I have a spare front but need a rear.
New rear bumper. This one has been butchered on the passenger rear quarter with a screw holding it on! who puts a self tapper through a bumper and thinks that is a solution to anything? new brackets are only £11 and readily available!
Eventually 16v! But will be a while before that happens. I have a spare engine so it's just a matter of time. It will need converting to MPI at the same time which is quite simple on these.