a-series metro prices

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a-series metro prices

Post by DotMatrix »

I was just browsing ebay and found some adds for mg metro's and turbo's. the prices have certainly gone up!
the one that amazes me the most is this one: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Mg-metro-turb ... 3218783863
as it is actually people bidding £4000 and still seven days to go. didn't think the prices were at that level. it isn't even a mk1.
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Re: a-series metro prices

Post by DevonMetro »

I guess it's swings and roundabouts :-)my Toyota MR2 has gone up in price since i bought it (general trend) i think perhaps people are getting more and more interested in the classics.
The price of the car is proportional to the demand
"But it's only a Metro!
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Re: a-series metro prices

Post by Re-Carbed »

Prices for old cars that you can maintain yourself are going up I have noticed and there are less for sale. The reasons are, I think that old cars are still dying daily and there are still plenty of enthusiasts coming through. Modern cars are not the same as they seem intentionally ring-fenced by their manufacturers and dealers - and contain so many computers, along with the threat of devaluation due to not "getting the book stamped" that they never really become anything other than white goods. My Metro cost next to nothing three years ago - and was very neglected. It's now worth something apparently (though it's a Rover 1.1 actually).

Wartburgs and Trebants were always a laugh when I was young as they had a value of "0" in the Parker's price guide. You try and buy one now.
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