Rover 114 GSI - Rita

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Rover 114 GSI - Rita

Post by Mini-mad-craig »

Hi all,

Some of you will know of my Rover 114 GSI project which has been ongoing now for about 6 years. I finally decided to VVC her so she came off the road a while ago and should be returning to the road in a couple of months. At the same time I am weatherproofing through using Dynax S50 and UB where needed, after taking everything back to bare metal. Corroded areas included the rear valence and the front floor pan corners but luckily that is all the rust on the entire car.

Heres the car!


And heres what happens when a 16 year old gets a car and has no idea what he's doing! ;)against the odds she returned to the road though and was my first and only car for 3 years. A lot has changed in my life since this picture..! I am not a mechanic and this is just a hobby to me.


She got a bit buried as I bought parts and other parts landed from other cars and builds...


I cleaned everything up at the garage to restore some order. Heres the VVC 143 I purchased from 'Chris BCFC' a well known Metropower trader.


And my trusty standard R65 gearbox which was what went into the car 5 years ago when I first converted it to manual from auto. Milage is around 52k.. again, very dirty!


So a few hours were spent cleaning... WD40, bathroom cleaner and various wire brushes on a drill and I ended up with something that resembled a K-Series!


The gearbox got the same treatment. I will swap out that reverse switch before I put the motor in the car!


And thats where I'm at! The front end has new ball joints, knuckles and bearings throughout, with CV boots etc changed for good measure. MGF cans, Mintex discs and pads. The rear end has had both arm bearings replaced, as well as new knuckles and GTI cans. Ralph standard size drop stops, hydragas straps accompany his stainless ARB fittings, although I am yet to fit these.

I will get up some more pictures and update as I go! thanks for looking. :mrgreen:Welcome to the NEW and much improved 2017 Metropower.
Last edited by Mini-mad-craig on Fri Mar 17, 2017 5:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Rover 114 GSI - Rita

Post by Erick »

I think I've seen that car before somewhere... ;)

'03 MG ZT-T+ CDTi [Daily driver]
'95 MK3 Rover 114 Cabriolet
'91 Mini 1000 Checkmate [Checkie] Awaiting MoT repairs
'77 Mini 850 [Currently in restoration

Re: Rover 114 GSI - Rita

Post by MHadley98 »

Looking good mate :Dwas trying to figure out what the tarted up engine and box was for when you sent me the ARB pictures the other day, forgot you had the GSi like :mrgreen:
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